Internal comms to staff- good cause recruitment


Internal comms - Email to all council staff – copy and paste this making the relevant
amends and send!

You may be aware that we provide a community lottery as an online fundraising tool for
local good causes. Many good causes in the community have signed up and are
successfully raising vital funds for their cause but we know there are many out there who
may not have heard of the XXXX Lottery.

As council employees we have a civic duty to spread the word and we are asking for your
help! Maybe you have children in a School or club? Perhaps you are part of a club or
association yourself? Or do you know a friend or relative that has been supported by a local
good cause? If so please consider telling them about the XXXX lottery to help them in their
fundraising quest!

It is quick and easy and FREE for local good causes to sign up to the XXXX Lottery. They
can sign you here: {insert-URL to cause registration page from your lottery website}
The Lottery is a win-win for both supporters and the local community. XX% from every £1
ticket sale goes to support the local community and supporters are in with a chance of
winning up to £25,000 every week.

So far, the local lottery has raised XXX for the community since it started. Now more than
ever good causes need fundraising solutions that they can use in this quite surreal situation
we are living in. They cannot run their usual events and face-to-face interactions as normal
so online solutions such as the XXXX Lottery are really helping to plug the gap of support.
We have attached a leaflet for you to pass on, or you can forward on this email if you


Council resources – Template for email to send to officers

Subject: Good news for good causes

Content copy:

We know that fundraising is a constant effort for community groups throughout {name of
region}. XXX Lottery has been established to help local organisations and clubs raise
much-needed funds. Working with XXXX Council, we have established this ethical lottery
as an easy, fun and totally free way for good causes to create sustainable, year-round

It would be amazing if you could tell the good causes in your area about this opportunity. If
you have a parish newsletter, website, social media or other communication methods,
Please spread the word about this funding for local groups. Examples of good causes:

• Sports clubs
• Local Charities
• School PTAs
• Community Centres & Village halls
• Social enterprises

XXXX Lottery can help groups raise over £500 a year with just 20 ticket sales a
week. There’s no risk, no cost and no administration.
Lets get started

{insert hyperlink to good cause application URL}



Internal comms Counsellors – Democratic Services – example email to counsellors - copy and paste this making the relevant amends and send!

As counsellors you are recognised as ambassadors for the community and with this in
mind, we wanted to remind you about the XXXX Lottery. It is an online fundraising solution
for local good causes to raise vital funds year-round.

It is FREE and easy for good causes to sign up and we will support them on their journey.
They are provided with their own online administration area and a range of marketing
materials with ongoing offers for them to shout about year-round to generate support.
XXp for every £1 ticket sale goes to the cause and they are paid monthly. An additional 10p
from each ticket sale goes to the Central Fund which is used in fund granting within the

Just 20 tickets can provide the cause with over £500 annually and supporters usually buy
more than one ticket.

Supporters usually see it as a charitable donation and sign up to support monthly costing
then £4.34 a month and more and more supporters are out there wanting to support their
much-loved causes in any way they can. This is a win-win as it benefits the local community
and supporters are in with the chance of winning up to £25000 every week.

As you are all too aware, local good causes are unable to host their usual face-to-face
events and activities and are in need of other, often online, fundraising solutions. It would
be greatly appreciated it you could help us in our quest to raise awareness of the lottery
and how it can help local good causes fundraise.

The lottery site can be found here: {insert URL of the lottery website}
We have attached a document for you to send on to anybody you feel may benefit from
this.**see resources or ask your account manager



Internal comms – Nominations copy - copy and paste this making the relevant amends and send!

Do you know of a good cause that might be interested in signing up to XXX Lottery? Maybe
you have volunteered recently or have children in a school or club or perhaps you are part
of an organisation that could be interested. You, a friend or a relative might have been
supported by a charity or group recently that could benefit from using the xxx lottery for

XX% form every £1 lottery ticket goes back to the supported good cause and they get their
own webpage with an administration area with a host of marketing material for them to use
in their fundraising quest. It’s really quick and easy for causes to sign up and it’s FREE! It’s
a win-win as the local community is supported whilst supporters are in with the chance of
winning up to £25,000 every week!

Nominate a good cause for us to recruit for the xxxx lottery by emailing us at:

Please provide:
- Good cause name
- the contact name
- email address
- phone number

We will get in touch with them and let them know about their nomination. We’re sure they’ll
be really happy to know you have considered them for the lottery