Not sure where to start with your lottery marketing?
Gatherwell has you covered!

We’ve put together this guide to share some hints
and tips for getting the most out of your new lottery.


Summary of key points
 - Never stop recruiting good
- Use the dashboard to monitor
your lottery progress and to get
good cause/supporter
 - Build relationships with your
good causes and gather case
studies to share
 - Use your existing channels to
help spread the news—digital
channels perform best
 - Get members of your company
and corporate contacts involved
 - Share a variety of messages
about the lottery—prize and
support motivated
 - Try new things—look at fun and
creative ways to gain support


Recruiting good causes—the more the better!
Recruiting good causes is key for building a successful and sustainable lottery. Here are our top tips
for getting off to a great start:

1. Invite as many as you can to the good cause launch. Send out personal invitations and let them
know something exciting is coming! Make sure there is a mechanism for getting information to those
who are unable to attend. Let the causes know there will be the opportunity to sign up at the launch
event so they bring any information they may need. Make sure you have lots of information to hand
to answer any questions. Gather email addresses from attendees so you can follow-up after the
event with a link to register on the live site.

2. Make sure information is available in places smaller community
groups may meet or seek advice, like libraries, community hubs,
your local CVS or voluntary centre. We’ve designed a simple leaflet
and poster to help get you started.

3. Use your existing digital channels. As they are likely to be
established, they’ll get a much better reach. Put a call out on social
channels and even consider targeted social media advertising.
Don’t forget to include details in any council newsletters and emails
– the more people who find out the better! Take a look at some of
our suggested social media posts.

4. Good causes will have a lot of questions so make sure you’re armed with as
much information as possible. We’ve included a FAQ document along with a
document to help explain gambling mitigation.

5. Get some key causes on board as early as possible. They can make fantastic advocates for the
lottery and help spread the message. It will add more strength to your PR if you are able to mention
good causes which will actually benefit from the lottery.

6. Post welcome messages when a new cause joins the lottery. It’s a great way to start building a
relationship with your causes. Don’t forget to ‘mention’ them in the post so they can see it! This may
encourage them to share on their own platforms, which will help spread the message of the lottery
too. We’ve included an example social media post to give some ideas.

7. Don’t forget, good causes will not have access to their
dashboard and promotional materials until your lottery is
open to good causes. This could be a great time to get in
touch with your causes to start building relationships and
material for case studies. Encourage them to do their own
PR to share why they have joined and the difference
players will make.

8. Encourage co-workers to get involved. Many people
may volunteer or support local good causes that would be
perfect for the platform. Ask them to nominate causes for
you to contact and send out further information. Causes
will be delighted to know someone has considered them
for support!

Recruiting Supporters—it’s time to spread the good news!

1. Try a coordinated launch across all your available channels to let
people know ticket sales are now open. Digital channels work
particularly well. Supporters will oftern need to see messages more
than once before they act. We’ve included templates for a press
release as well as social assets.

2. Don’t forget internal comms! Your co-workers can help spread
the message and are a captive audience, especially if you are able
to have posters and literature on site.

3. Keep an eye on your dashboard. You’ll be able to track and
monitor how you’re ticket sales are progressing and how your good
causes are performing. If some of your good causes are struggling
to sell tickets, why not get in touch and see if they need any
additional support? Some causes may find it a bit daunting at the
start and need an extra helping hand. For sustainability, you need
to encourage causes to promote themselves. They’ll find lots of
help and support on the dashboard too, along with a video to help
understand how to get the best from their lottery page.

4. Build relationships with your good causes. Make sure they have everything they need to start
promoting the lottery to their supporters. The dashboard is a great place to start as it will give
them access to branded promotional materials to share across their channels. We’ll send out an
email to all registered good causes just before your first draw to encourage them toward one final

5. It’s good to keep up the momentum by sharing different messaging. You can support the
community AND win great prizes! Share content from good causes to help show the difference
people can make. Post key facts about the lottery including how their £1 will be split and what
happens to money in the central fund – it’s important to remain transparent. Consider a
countdown to the first draw with weekly posts as a way to share updates around the number o

6. A first draw bolt-on prize works really well. If it’s been donated by a
corporate sponsor, don’t forget to ask them to share details of the launch
across their channels too.

7. Why not add a message about the lottery on your email signature?

8. Don’t stop recruiting good causes. They can still apply to join and the
more causes promoting to supporters, the more tickets you’ll sell!

9. Try new things! Be fun and creative with your promotion as it’s a great
message to share. Link in with other events or initiatives going on for
extra exposure. Look for digital screens you may have access to, or if you
can put posters on local public transport and Park and Ride services.
We’ve seen many great ideas from events in local shopping centers to
charity mascots. The key thing is getting the community involved and
helping good causes get the most from the lottery

Post draw support
We’ve put together our top 4 tips to help keep
momentum in the next couple of weeks.

1. Thank all your supporters for taking part.
People love being thanked and it’s a great way to
show your appreciation. It’s easy to get a list of all
supporters via your lottery dashboard.
Remember, where an email is shown, the player
has given permission for you to contact them
about the lottery only. We’ve attached an email
template to help get you started.

2. Contact your top performing good causes
Case studies are a great way to let supporters know how they are making a difference to the
community. They can also make great advocates and encourage other causes to get involved.
Reach out and ask if they would be happy to share their story. Why did they join the lottery and what
are they are fundraising for? Why not ask them to send a ‘thank you’ video? It doesn’t need to be
professionally made, a simple video using a mobile phone would be perfect. It would make great
content for social media!

3. Shout about any winners!
Don’t forget to share the details of any winners you have. It helps reinforce that there are real
winners when you take part. Try and get a quote from £250 plus winners (even if it’s anonymous),
along with a picture to use for future promotion. Don’t forget, you can get the winner’s contact details
via the dashboard. If you had a bolt-on prize, don’t forget to share details of that winner too.

4. Keep posting regular updates
This is a key time for your lottery. People are already engaged so it’s the perfect time to keep up the
momentum. Don’t forget – you’ll see a dip in tickets about four weeks after your first draw so it will
help to get ahead of the curve!

We’ve included
 - Generic social media graphics for supporters
 - Generic social media graphics to help encourage good causes to join
 - A post to say ‘thank you’
 - A short video encouraging people not to miss the next draw

Keep looking for ways to promote the lottery via existing channels, as well as new ways to reach
your audience. We know from research that digital channels (particularly email and social) work
really well.






You can use this template to customise a thank you email to all supporters in your first draw.

Here are some top tips!

 - Try a sandwiched thank you approach - thank at the start and the end!
 - Include an impact statement so people know the difference they are making
 - Send the email from a named member of the team
 - Personalise where possible
 - Keep it simple