How to use your dashboard video WATCH HERE



The ‘Dashboard’ tab holds a variety of information that you may find useful in the day-today running of your lottery. Not only does it present live data, it also provides the ‘Operator
Report’ historical data and ‘important actions’.


How to use your ‘Dashboard’ tab



The ‘Operator Report’

We recommend that you use this report to track the progress of your lottery. You can
download it as frequently as you wish, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. It
provides a summary of tickets, approved causes and projections for annual funds raised for
good causes along with an appendix detailing the current causes along with their status,
age, tickets, players and projected annual funds. This is intended for use as a public facing
document and holds all information that can be obtained from the website.

Important actions
There are two types of important actions you will see in here.
1. Cause payments pending approval – this is a monthly action that requires
immediate attention so that we can pay out to the good causes
2. Causes pending approval – these are sporadic and volume will vary based on your
good cause recruitment strategy. (See our good cause approval and recruitment
guides for further detail)

Performance chart and figures

The figures you see are forward projections and will fluctuate based on ticket sales. It also
summarises the fluctuations from the previous week and month.

In this example we see 486 tickets going into next week’s draw. However, should payment
failures happen (e.g. DDs taking time to set up), the actual funds raised may be a little
lower than projected. You can find the exact number of tickets entered into a draw from
your ‘Winners’ tab under the listed draw once the draw has taken place.


The ‘Current Status’ table:



Tickets - XX tickets currently in the weekly draw. XX supporting the central fund
and XX for good causes - numbers as of today
Players - XX total currently in the weekly draw. XX supporting the central fund and
XX supporting good causes - numbers as of today
Revenue (annual) - This is XX tickets x 52 weeks @ £1 (broken down between
central fund and good causes)
Cause Revenue (50%) annual - This is 50% of the ticket price (50p) broken down
between the central fund and good causes projected for the next 12 months.
Operator Revenue (10%) annual - This is 10% of all tickets sold, which is added
to the central pot.
Total Operator Revenue - This comprises the 50% “cause revenue” from tickets
supporting the Central Fund (£2028 in our example above), plus the 10%
“operator revenue” from all tickets, supporting both the Central Fund, and
individual Causes (£405.60 total)
Total Causes Revenue 60% - Cause Revenue plus Operator Revenue


The ‘History’ table:


The ‘History’ section (above) is where you will find actual figures from when your lottery
launched to date.


Tickets - XX tickets bought in total. XX supporting the central fund and XX for
good causes - numbers as of today
Players - XX in total. XX supporting the central fund and XX supporting good
causes - numbers as of today
Revenue - This is XX tickets for the life of the lottery to date @ £1 (broken down
between central fund and good causes)
Cause Revenue (50%) - This is 50% of the ticket price (50p) broken down
between the central fund and good causes.
Operator Revenue (10%) - This is the 10% of all tickets sold, which is added to
the central pot.
Total Operator Revenue – This comprises the 50% “cause revenue” from tickets
supporting the Central Fund (£79.50 in our example above), plus the 10%
“operator revenue” from all tickets, supporting both the Central Fund, and
individual Causes (£15.90 and £15.00 respectively)
Total Causes Revenue 60% - Cause Revenue plus Operator Revenue.



The ‘Causes’ tab holds a variety of information that you may find useful in the day-to-day
running of your lottery. You can download the good cause data, including contact details.
You can search for a cause and easily access their dashboard, view their ticket sales and
contact details, and you can make notes on the cause should you need.


‘Download cause export (Excel)’
This button sits at the top of the page
directly under the tab option and you can
download the file at any time. In the file
you will notice that there are two work
sheets, one for ‘Causes’ and another for

There is a lot of useful data to be found in
the ‘Cause’ sheet. One tip is the ‘status’
column, for those that are listed as ‘partial’ it may be worth you following up with them
directly to understand why the application is partial, sell the benefits of the lottery to them
and offer any support.

You will also see the ‘How you heard about us’ column which can be useful in
understanding what kind of marketing is working best for you so you can focus your efforts.
You can have this updated if you are running a specific recruitment campaign and wish to
understand its impact. Just let your account manager know at least two weeks before the
campaign is due to start, if not sooner, so we can plan in the work for you.

You can also use this download in your own analysis of your causes, for example, to see
which types perform best in ticket sales or how many causes you have recruited and
approved over a space of time. You can see which causes have notes on their account and
the type of cause they are (charity, sports club etc).

Filter view

Your filter allows you to search for a specific cause or key words, you can also select the
relevant checkboxes to filter by, for example, ‘live’ cause or ‘failed’ cause and the cause list
below will filter out what you are looking for.


Cause list

This gives you an overview of your causes based on your ‘filter’ set up above. You can
click on the header rows to sort the column in ascending/descending order by a specific

You can also use the drop-down arrow to the left of the ‘UCID’ to view the causes
progress chart and admin contact details and you are able to visit their dashboard
should you need to. If there is a cause awaiting approval it will allow you to review their
application too.

Remember that you can access your ‘Central Cause’ ‘dashboard’ from this location, to
access the marketing materials and track progress too.



The ‘Supporters’ tab provides a list of all the lottery's supporters across all of the
participating causes. This is useful data for you to use in any lottery analysis you may wish
to undertake. You can download the data from this tab but please remember to be careful
in the handling and storage of this data in accordance with GDPR as this is personal

How to use your ‘Supporters’ tab

Although you have access to supporter email addresses and are free to run your own
lottery marketed campaigns, we recommend that your primary focus is good cause
recruitment. Here at Gatherwell, we send out communications to all the supporters on your
lottery throughout the year in relation to bolt-on offers and other marketing opportunities
that may arise. If you are considering an email campaign to the supporters please speak to
your account manager first.

If you wish to contact the supporter about non-lottery related matters you must seek their
permission first e.g. ask them to subscribe to a separate mailing list when communicating
with them about the lottery.

‘Download (Excel)’

This button sits towards the top of the page directly under
the ‘Information window’ or at the very bottom of the support
list on the page. You can download the file at any time. In
the file you will notice that there are two work sheets, one
for ‘Supporters’ and another for ‘Current Supporters’.

The ‘Supporters’ sheet will provide names, addresses,
email addresses, ticket count and more. You will also see
the ‘How you heard about us’ column which can be useful in
understanding what kind of marketing is working best for
you so you can focus your efforts. You can have this
updated if you are running a specific recruitment campaign
and wish to understand its impact. Just let your account
manager know at least two weeks before the campaign is
due to start, if not sooner, so we can plan in the work for

The ‘Current Supporters’ sheet offers slightly different data,
specifically the supporters D.O.B. and their payment
method, in addition to some of the same information as the
“Supporters” sheet.

You can also use this download in your own analysis of your supporters, for example, to
look into demographics based on age and location, which can help you in creating specific
campaigns to develop more targeted advertising.

Supporter list
This gives you an overview of your supporters at a glance. You can click on the header
rows to sort the column in ascending/descending order by a specific column. For example,
if you are looking to see if you have supporters who have high ticket yields (who are likely
to be running a syndicate) you can click on the ‘Ticket Count’ column header to sort it into
ascending/descending order.


The ‘Winners’ tab provides a list of all winners across all participating causes of the lottery
with the most recent draw date showing first. It displays the actual number of tickets that
were entered into the draw (as opposed to the projections from the ‘dashboard’ tab.)

How to use your ‘Winners’ tab

The supporters have NOT given permission for their win to be published except in the form
Mrs. P (Town) won XXX. The details on this page are for administrator use only. You may
use them to contact the winner to get their agreement for further publication.

Great uses for this list:
 - Contact winners to ask their permission to publicise their win (try to get photos as
well as reasons for supporting the cause they chose and what it means to them,
along with what they will do with their winnings)
 - Collect stats for marketing e.g. We've had XX winners so far, winnings over £XXX!

Download (Excel)
This button sits towards the top of the page directly under the
‘Information window’ or at the very bottom of the list on the page.
You can download the file at any time. This file lists the draws and
the winners for each draw along with their personal details: name,
address and email address.

Winner list
As with the other tabs on the dashboard, you can sort the column headers by clicking on
the relevant header, for example you may wish to view the largest wins for a draw first.






The ‘Marketing’ tab holds a variety of assets to help you recruit new good causes and
players to your lottery. These assets can be used to support your lottery marketing plans.

Where to find your ‘Marketing’ tab:

Your marketing assets

Within your Marketing Tab you’ll find marketing assets grouped under headings such as
“Cause Recruitment Assets”. Each section contains downloadable assets that can printed
or used digitally across channels including email, newsletters, face-to-face and social
media. You can also click on the Facebook or Twitter buttons to share directly to social

What Next?
The key to making your lottery a success is spreading the word, especially within the local
voluntary and community sector. Make sure you pass on these assets to colleagues who
can use them to shout about the lottery, including:
 - Communications teams
 - Administrators of your social media page(s)
 - Newsletter editors
 - Management team(s)
 - People who attend local partnership meetings



The ‘Payments’ tab provides a summary and history of all the payment runs made to good
causes and the central fund since your lottery first launched. You may wish to obtain the
data for financial reasons including reclaiming VAT. You can also approve pending
payment runs from here. This guide will explain how to approve a pending payment run and
how to review the payments to good causes.

You will only be able to approve a payment run and receive the notifications to do this if you
have the relevant permissions set up on the ‘User admin’ tab. You must also have been set
up with the ‘Cause Payment’ option allocated to you (more than one operator can have this

How to use your ‘Payments’ tab

Approving the payment run

At the start of every month the operator who has the relevant permissions on your
dashboard must login in and approve the pending payment

Gatherwell can pay out to them and submit your lottery returns to the Gambling
Commission for you.

When you login you will see an action on the ‘dashboard’ tab in the important information
section stating, ‘1 cause payment(s) pending approval’. Selecting this will take you to your
payments tab where you will see any payments awaiting review listed.

Using the ‘review’ option you can then review the ‘Payment period information’ which
summarises the tickets sold and claim codes redeemed from the previous month.

You can review the ‘operator payment’ details that show claim codes and tickets sold, and
the processed status and cause payment information which also shows the tickets sold for
each cause, funds raised and if it has been processed or not. The ‘Processed’ column will
update with a date after you approve the payment run, and again once Gatherwell have
paid out. We will pay out to the good causes the first Monday after you have approved a
payment run.



Approving a payment period is a requirement that has been specified by the Gambling
Commission. It is a mostly-automated process and we do not expect there to be any
anomalies in the data.

You can ‘Approve payment period’ at the bottom of the page by ticking the two tick boxes
as shown below and clicking on the ‘Approve’ button.

Accessing historical payment periods

In the section titled ‘Payment Periods Approved’ you will see a list of historical payment
runs. Using the ‘Review’ option next to each month you can drill down into the data


Once you select ‘Review’ you are provided with a summary of the ‘Payment period
information’, giving you from and to dates, the number of tickets sold, number of claim
codes redeemed, when and who approved the run:


The ’Operator payment information’ shows the funds raised for the 10% taken from ticket
sales and offsets any deductions for any redeemed claim codes. The ‘processed’ status
means the funds have been paid to your elected bank account on the date shown.



The ‘Cause payment information’ gives you a list of causes and the amount of funds raised
and paid to them. If they are showing as ‘Not Processed’ this usually means that we do
not have their bank details to pay them. The cause Administrator will get system reminder
emails to request they log in to enter these when we try to pay out around the start of the
month, these will continue every time we pay out until their details are updated.



You can also view your ‘Lottery returns information’ from here and use the drop-down arrow
to the left of the date field to display all details for the return for that period. It is important to
know that this is where you can check that your lottery return information has been
submitted to the Gambling Commissions e-services platform (if you are licensed by the
Local Authority, this will reflect the date you were emailed your returns information)




How to approve a good cause

You must be set up with the correct permissions on your operator dashboard to be able to
approve good cause applications. When you are, you will receive an email notification
within 24 hours of a new good cause application. The image below shows the ‘User admin’
tab from the operator dashboard and the check box that should be checked against your
listed email address for you to have permissions to this function:


Once you have been notified of the new good cause application, login to your operator
dashboard and you will see the cause pending approval, as shown in the below example:

When you click the link you are taken to a page which lists the causes pending approval
(see image below) and from here you can review the good cause information:

You will be presented with Cause Information including their Legal Status which you should
check. Below is an example: You also have access to the applicants contact details
including email and phone number should you require any further information from them.



In the ‘Marketing’ section you will be able to also review the information they have
submitted to be on their webpage including a description about their good cause and why
they need support and their logo. If they have not supplied a logo you can still approve the
cause if they meet the criteria and we will provide a temporary logo until they update their
own, which they can do from any time once their page is live.


You can keep notes in the Cause Notes’ section. These are only visible to you and
Gatherwell. If you have spoken to a good cause and are just awaiting their constitution, for
example, you can add a note to this section, date stamp it and summarise where they/you
are at. These ‘notes’ also help us help you as we can get calls into your lottery support
team who can then use these as reference if needed.




If you are happy with the application you can ‘Approve’ the cause. If you have spotted
anything that needs amending in their application you can use the ‘Edit’ option to update it
for them. If they do not meet the criteria you can ‘Reject’ them and this will give you a text
box for you to enter your reason for the unsuccessful application. This is then included in
the system generated follow up email to the cause.

Rejecting a good cause application
Use this option as a final resort, rejection is a permanent removal of the good cause’s
application. If you are looking for the cause to provide more information you do not need to
‘reject’ the cause. Email or call, update the notes and await their response.
If a good cause does not meet the criteria and you will not be approving them to be on the
lottery platform then use the ‘reject’ option as part of reviewing the good cause application.
You are provided with a text box to provide them with a reason for rejecting them. This
reason is then included in the email correspondence to the cause informing them of their
unsuccessful application.

Cancelling a good cause application
Cancelling an application can be done by going to ‘Review’ the cause, then going to ‘edit
cause’ at the bottom of the page and you will find the option to ‘cancel application’ at the
bottom of the next page. This will NOT trigger any sort of email response to the cause.




This guide summarises your Bank Details tab. Simply enter the bank details you would like
the revenue from your community fund paid to. This section can only be accessed by users
that have the ‘Bank Details’ option selected on the ‘User admin’ tab.

How to use your ‘Bank details’ tab



Cause revenue – This is the amount from paid tickets that support the central fund on
your lottery, usually this is 50p from every £1 but this can vary depending on how you set
your lottery up.

Operator revenue – This is the 10p from every ticket sale, regardless of the cause being
supported on your lottery.

It is common for the same bank details to be used for each section but you may wish for the
amounts to be paid to different accounts and you may also wish to update the ‘reference’
section for your own accounting purposes.

Editing bank details
Fill out the relevant fields:
Account name – The name on your account
Account number – 8-digit account number
Sort code – 6-digit sort code
Reference – this is how the payment appears on
your bank statement

You will also notice the check box for the

‘By entering these details you confirm this is NOT
a personal banking account and that the funds
will be going directly to the good cause you

You cannot add or update your bank details
without selecting this check box and it is worth
noting that all good causes also have to adhere to
the same agreement when entering their bank

We pay out at the beginning of each month once
you have approved the payment run.




This guide will explain the permissions settings of the ‘User admin’ tab. There will be at
least one user with full permissions, including the ‘user admin’ check box. This user will be
responsible for maintaining the access and permission of all other users. It is important to
remember that you cannot add a user unless they already have an account on the lottery.

Adding a user
You must have the ‘User admin’ permission to be able to add a user. If you cannot see the
‘user admin’ tab, speak to your account manager.
A user must first have a registered account on your lottery. We’d recommend you
encourage them to support a local good cause on the lottery and they will create an
account as part of this process, they then just need to provide you with the email address
they used to create their account and you can register them.
If they do not wish to support the lottery or wish to have a separate account for managing
the lottery they need to create an account by going to your lottery home page URL and
adding /account/register to the end. For example:

This will take them to the registration page and bypass the checkout process. Once they
have successfully created their account, they just need to let you know the email address
they registered with and you can add them on from the ‘User admin’ tab at the bottom on
the list of users:

IMPORTANT: New users must
create their own account and agree
to the terms and conditions of the
lottery. It is not advisable to create
their account on their behalf.



The following permissions can be applied to any user, once you have selected the relevant
options for the user remember to select the ‘Submit changes’ option at the bottom of the
user list:

Daily reports – The user will receive a ‘Daily report’ email summarising the number of
tickets, number of supporters and funds raised today, yesterday and this week with a link to
download the full report, or view their dashboard. It also summarises the annual funds
raised for the community.

Action emails – This option triggers weekly emails to the users that have the ‘approve
good cause’ or ‘cause payment’ options selected. If you do not tick these then the user will
need to remember to login and check for actions.

Approve good cause – Access to view, review and approve a good cause. They will
receive a system generated email within 24 hours of the good cause application being
submitted, reminding them to take action only if the ‘action emails’ tick box is selected.

Cause Payment – Access to the ‘Payments’ tab and the ability to approve a payment run.
Bank Details – Access to the ‘Bank details’ tab where they can view and EDIT the bank
details your funds are paid to.

User Admin – Only users who have this option selected will be able to view, manage
permissions, and add and remove users from your operator dashboard.

Claim Code – Access to the ‘claim codes’ tab and the ability to set up a claim code
campaign as part of a promotional offer you may decide to run. Claim codes are a ‘free’
spin for the user that cost you, the operator, 40p per code.

News Admin – A good one for your comms team to have access to. Access to the ‘News’
tab where you can publish news articles to your lottery news feed that have links to share
social media too!

Lottery returns – Gatherwell use only – please do not use.

Raffle – This allows the user to see the results of a planned raffle draw. The winners’
names and prizes.

Removing a user
To remove a user, you may need to scroll along to the right using the scroll bar at the
bottom of the user list. You will see the red ‘Remove’ button on the far right of the row for
each user.



When you select this option you will be asked if you are sure. Select ‘remove’ again and the
user will no longer have access to your lottery ‘Operator Dashboard:'




As your lottery develops it’s a good idea to update regular stories to your news feed. This is
a great way to keep your supporters up to date with all the latest lottery news. It’s an inbuilt
CMS system, meaning you have complete control over how, when and what you post.

Stories about the success of good causes with testimonials, news on any big winners,
information about success of fund granting from your community pot and any other stories
that the local community may enjoy. It’s a good idea to do the same but a lot more
frequently with your social media providing links to your lottery site to drive traffic.

Once you have written your article and published it, you can then use the URL on other
sites linking to the news to bring traffic to your website and this will in turn raise the profile
of your lottery in terms of SEO (search engine optimisation – your ranking when searched
for online.)

This option will only be available to those users with the ‘News’ permission on your ‘User
admin’ tab. Why not add someone from your comms team for easy access?

How to use your ‘News’ tab

Login to your operator dashboard and go to the ‘News’ tab then to ‘Add New’.

News title – This is the headline that will display above your published article
Meta title (optional) – Please speak to your account manager if you want to use the
metadata fields.
Meta Description (optional) – Please speak to your account manager if you want to use
the metadata fields.
URL – This is for you to add a word/words to define your URL that will be created when you ‘publish’. What you enter here is an extension that is added to your website’s standard URL for you. The part in italic in the example below is the extension that is added:

In the example above, you can see you can replace spaces with hyphens. Don’t use
spaces or special characters.

Publish date: You can create an article and set the date in the future to be published to
your website on a given day

Content: It’s very easy to use, working in a similar way to editing a word document. You
will see various tools along the top of the window to help you. You can either free type into
the given area and pause to ‘insert’ any images you may wish to use along the way. 

Or, if you have a document you are replicating, you can copy and paste into the given area. Remember, if you want to break up the text by using the ‘insert’ function that the image will insert wherever your cursor is placed in the area.

You can also create hyperlinks in this section, the idea is that this tool provides you with a link for you to use on other sites or in posts to drive traffic to your website so it is not recommended to provide hyperlinks that steer users away from your site. You may wish to add a title such as ‘Sign up here today’ with a link to the ‘choose your good cause’ page for supporters.

Upload News Image: You must have a feature image, this is not an optional field. It needs to be in .png or .jpeg format for upload.
Preview news: When you are happy you can preview your article, if you are not happy with the preview and want to go back to make amends use the option at the top to go back to ‘edit news’, as highlighted in yellow below:

Once you are happy, you can hit ‘Looks great publish’ and your news article is done. You can use the link in the URL field to go to your article from your ‘news’ tab on your dashboard. You can also ‘edit’ and ‘delete’ your news story from here too.

Finally, you can use the links from the published article on your news feed to share on Facebook and via email and you should encourage good causes to do the same.




This guide is a summary of your Raffles tab and explains how to run raffles as an additional
prize offering for your lottery. It is important to remember that you will only be able to see
the ‘Raffles’ tab and the results of the raffles if you have the correct permissions set up.
You can check this on the



What Is The Raffles Feature?

The ‘Raffles’ feature provides the ability to run additional prize offerings on your lottery.
They can be run on an ad-hoc basis on any day of the week. For example, you may want to
run a series of raffles with one draw a day for 10 days. This can be set up in advance so
you can get the results from your dashboard each day.

You CAN run a raffle at the same time as being part of the ‘National super draw’ offer.

There are no marketing materials provided by Gatherwell for these and the results are not
published on the lottery website, however you can view the results by logging into your
Operator Dashboard and viewing the ‘Raffles’ tab after the draw has passed. The winner(s)
DO NOT receive an email notification regarding the win. You must contact them manually
from their details provided.

You are wholly responsible for all marketing for these offerings. We recommend that you
publish the winner’s details to your lottery news feed and social media channels (after
seeking permission to share their details, of course) or post an anonymous quote from them
on why they support their chosen cause, as well as one from the cause on what their
support means to them.


How to use your ‘Raffles’ tab

Go to your dashboard and click on the “Raffles” tab.



Complete the form

Raffle date – this is the date you would like the raffle to be drawn. This can be any date and
time, it does not have to be the same as a national draw.

Number of prizes for raffle- click the drop-down box and select the number of prizes
Prizes - type in a description of the prize(s) (please note this box only allows a limited
number of characters, so descriptions must be brief)

Then click ADD


You can then view it on the ‘Raffles’ tab of your dashboard in ‘Pending raffles’


Once the draw is complete you will see the results listed in the ‘Processed raffles’ section,
like this: