Thank you for choosing Gatherwell – Let’s get started!

Here at Gatherwell we are a dynamic, friendly team, committed to helping you
launch a successful lottery. We believe that the power of our people, products
and partners delivers engaging lotteries that assist good causes to raise money.

This pack has been designed to help you make sure your lottery launches smoothly
and successfully. We’ve mapped out all your critical deadlines and provided
example templates, launch event guidance and some ideas on how to maximise

What you need to do:

A successful lottery launch depends on proactive and well-planned
communications. This pack contains the following tools that are designed to help
you plan each stage of your lottery launch:
1. Planning A Successful Launch Event
2. Launch Event Invitation Guide
3. Good Cause Frequently Asked Questions
4. Growing Your Lottery Through Good Cause Recruitment
5. Press Release Pack
+ Marketing Timeline (supplied separately)

If you follow our recommendations, you can be confident of a good uptake of
ticket sales. Please let us know how useful you find this guide – we’d love your

Remember – the key to success is spreading the word and attracting lots of good
causes. We will be on hand to support you throughout the process, and make it as
simple as possible.

Good luck with your lottery launch!



Planning A Successful Launch Event

One of the most important aspects of getting your lottery off to a good start is a
successful Good Cause Launch Event. A well-organised, impeccably-branded
event will generate a real buzz around your lottery.

Planning an effective launch event requires strategic thinking. You should think
about what are you trying to achieve, and what your guests will get out of
attending. Organising the event will take a little time and effort, but needn’t cost
the earth. Follow our recommendations below to ensure your launch is the perfect
showcase for your new lottery.

- Set event date/time
- Book speaker(s)
- Plan the agenda and technical aspects
- Create guest list and send out invitations
- Marketing activities
- Prepare and rehearse
- Deliver the event
- Follow-up
- Have fun!

1. Set your launch date/time
Start the planning process as early as possible. Identify a provisional date for your
Good Cause Launch Event – we will suggest a date in your Marketing Timeline. If
you are applying to the Gambling Commission for a license, it can take up to 16
weeks to be approved, so don’t set your launch date too early.
Don’t schedule launches over the summer or Christmas break period. Avoid
Purdah – this makes using or quoting councillors difficult. Check to make sure your
event doesn’t clash with another big event. Invite your speakers, staff and other
key attendees first to ensure their availability.

Once you have your speakers and key attendees booked you can firm up your
launch date and time. This should always be the most convenient timing for your
guests, not you. We recommend 11am and 2pm as the most effective times of the
day for a Good Cause Launch Event.

2. Plan your virtual meeting
We now recommend that you plan a virtual launch via Zoom Call, along with the
Eventbrite ticket system. Although most people are now accustomed to attending
virtual meetings, inadequate organisation and technical issues can give people a
poor first impression of your lottery. We recommend involving your IT team in the
planning, and having them on hand during the event. Make sure you know how to
record the event so it can be circulated and watched later by anyone who
cannot attend.


3. Set your agenda
Be original, make it fun and, most importantly sell the benefits of your lottery to
good causes! Some of your guests will spend a lot of time in virtual meetings, you
need to make sure your launch stands out. Show off your creativity, incorporating
things like interactive elements or music. Gatherwell will create and deliver a
presentation at your event. This will be sent to you approximately 4 days before the
Good Cause Launch Event. Make sure you set aside time for Q&A, and line up
well-briefed colleagues to answer any questions that may arise. You want your
launch to be an event that people talk about afterwards. The more engaging you
make it, the more likely it is to generate that all-important buzz.

4. Create a guest list and send invitations
Your guests should be senior figures from a good cross section of good causes,
such as:
- Charities
- Sports clubs
- Community groups and facilities
- Schools/PTAs
- Community groups and enterprises

You should also invite influential figures such as local authority senior managers,
councillors, press/media and your important stakeholders. Send the invitations out
via Eventbrite (or similar) in order to monitor the number of acceptances. We
recommend using an existing established email address for communications
relating to your launch event, rather than the new email address for your lottery.
For more information about inviting people to your event see Appendix 2.

5. Make sure your branding is on point
Anything and everything about your event should represent the lottery.
Incorporate the lottery logo and brand colours into all promotional materials such
as press releases, PowerPoint slides etc. Ensure that anyone involved in the
production of marketing materials knows how to implement your brand correctly
and consistently. Also make sure your materials contain essential details such as
your lottery web address, contact details and social media channels.

6. Marketing your event
Effective marketing will make or break your Good Cause Launch Event.
Gatherwell will provide you with a Marketing Timeline and pack of branded
marketing materials. You should identify a marketing budget that will enable news
of the event to reach as many people as possible without overspending. Make a
list of the available communication channels, and create tailored content for
each, e.g. press release, Facebook posts/tweets, newsletter article etc. Make sure
you monitor social media in order to respond to comments and queries in a timely
manner. When posting on social media, utilise relevant hashtags and/or create
your own. Be prepared to respond to press queries or interview requests.

7. Preparation
Prepare your speakers/activities before the event. Make sure they are interesting,
well informed and on-brand. People get restless, so ideally speeches should last no

more than 5 minutes. If necessary, have a ‘dress rehearsal’ to troubleshoot any
issues. Make sure that the technical aspects of your event are going to run
smoothly and that the recording will work. It’s rare for a live event to run
completely according to plan, so consider in advance what you’ll do if certain
people can’t make it, or an integral part of the event doesn’t go to plan. Brief your
team thoroughly.

8. During the event
Follow your planned agenda and timings, but allow flexibility for useful interactions
to take place. Ensure that plenty of time is allowed for questions (see
Good Cause Frequently Asked Questions below). In addition to the Chair, have a
colleague on hand to monitor and raise questions. If the media attends your
event, make sure you capture their contact details in order to follow-up with them.

Find a way to incorporate into your event that we are asking good causes to
commit to promoting the lottery to their organisation, friends and family. Ensure
that good causes understand that they are aiming to secure a minimum of 20
ticket sales within 4 weeks of being approved and listed. This is in your interest as
much as theirs - not only will good causes promote the lottery for you, they will
maximise your ‘central pot’ of funding with their ticket sales.

Don’t forget, causes should leave the event knowing exactly how to sign up!

9. After your event
Now it’s time to keep up the momentum! Even after the public launch, you will
need to actively keep marketing the lottery and recruiting good causes. Issue a
press release to celebrate the outcomes and success of the event (send this to
any media who attended the event as well as other local contacts). Offer
interviews to the press/media. Continue posting content on social media with a
link to watch the recording of the event for those who could not attend. Ask for
feedback about the event, then post and tweet positive feedback to pique the
interest of others – make them curious about your lottery.

Make sure that all new good cause applications are reviewed and approved
promptly, both after your event and in the future.

10. Don’t forget to have fun!


2. Launch Event Invitation Guide

We recommend using Eventbrite to send out invitations to your Launch Event. You
can sign up for a free account here:

Eventbrite will take you through all the steps needed to create an event, including
space for a description and image. We recommend using your lottery logo as the
image. We recommend adding a description of your event to get people excited
about attending (see below for suggested copy). You can choose to distribute
invitations either through the Eventbrite email system, or to generate a link and
send it out through your own email system.

We are delighted to invite you to the launch of [INSERT NAME OF LOTTERY], an
exciting new way for people to support our fundraising whilst having fun, and
maybe even winning a prize!

Please sign-up for this ‘Launch Event’ so that you can hear all about the new
lottery, how it works and the benefits it will bring. There will be a short presentation
by [INSERT NAME, TITLE] followed by the opportunity for you to ask questions. You’ll
also find out how to take part in the lottery.

If you are unable to attend the Launch Event, please get in touch to request more
details about the lottery.

If you wish to email the invitations through Eventbrite you will need to add your
attendee’s email addresses manually, or upload a CSV file (format: Column A =
Email Address; Column B = First Name; Column C = Last Name.)

If you use an email client such as MailChimp, consider resending the invitation to
people who have not opened or clicked on the first email. You should do this a
few days after the first email has been sent.

We understand that you may wish to send out paper invitations. However, due to
this being a virtual event, we don’t recommend making this the primary method of
inviting people. You should consider including a phrase such as “By now you
should have received an email inviting you to our Launch Event. If you have not
received this, please let us know and we will resend it.”


3. Good Cause – Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What information will I need to sign up?
A. We’ll need some key pieces of information to get you registered as a good
cause on [INSERT LOTTERY NAME]. This will include your organisation’s name, key
contact and role, address, telephone number and email. We’ll also need you
to confirm your eligibility (see terms and conditions for details). In order to pay
you your money we’ll need your bank details and we’ll also need you to
provide a logo for your organisation to include on the specific marketing
materials we’ll create for you. You can provide these at signup but they aren’t
required to get you registered.

Q. What kind of logo do I need?
A. Your logo should be supplied (as a minimum) 300dpi and at least 350px wide
saved as a JPG or PNG. Our preferred file format is a Vector file (either an .ai
file, eps or svg. Don’t worry if you don’t have one, we’ll set you up with a
default logo to start with and you’ll be able to change it and any other details
at any time.

Q. What sort of organisations can sign up?
A. Any eligible not-for-profit organisation operating within [INSERT GEOGRAPHICAL
AREA] can apply! (NB exclusions may apply, see terms and conditions for

Q. What materials do you provide to help me promote the lottery?
A. We provide your good cause with its own tailored communication materials.
These will be professionally prepared PDFs which can be posted on social
media, attached to e-mails or printed and distributed in your area. We also
provide you with your own dedicated webpage on the [INSERT LOTTERY
WEBSITE ADDRESS] website. You can direct your supporters here to buy tickets,
check results and see how much money is being raised.

Q. How do winners find out that they’ve won?
A. Every week, all winners will be advised by e-mail. The winning number will also
be published on our website, Facebook and Twitter each week following the

Q. How do we receive our share of ticket sales?
A. Your funds will be transferred directly into your bank account every month.

Q. How do I know how well my fundraising is doing?
A. Every week we send you an update which provides you with all the details. It
tells you how many supporters have chosen to direct their support to you, who
they are, how many tickets are being sold each week, how much money has
been raised etc. There is also a dashboard on the website which will provide
real time statistics on your campaign!

Q. Who deals with any questions my supporters have?
A. We do. We have a dedicated support number and email address that deal
directly with any queries your supporters may have.

Q. What administration do we need to do?

A. Admin is kept to an absolute minimum so you can concentrate on spreading
the word.

Q. If my good cause gets XX% per ticket, where does the other XX% go?
A. XX% goes to the Central Fund to support other good causes within [INSERT
GEOGRAPHICAL AREA] through the Central Fund. XX% goes to prizes and the
remaining XX% is for administration and VAT.

Q. Can supporters use gift aid on the ticket price?
A. Unfortunately you cannot claim gift aid on lottery ticket purchases. We will be
adding the ability to claim gift aid on winning donations soon.

Q. Are supporter’s details safe?
A. Absolutely! We take the utmost care of all user data. The site itself is secured on
ALL pages (not just the payment ones). All user data is stored safely and not
passed to any third parties.

Q. What’s the catch?
A. There isn’t one! All you need to do is market your webpage to your community.
The more you spread the word, the more tickets you sell, and the more funds
you raise.


4. Growing Your Lottery Through Good Cause Recruitment

The key to establishing and maintaining a successful lottery is bringing lots of good
causes on board. These causes will use their own networks to spread the word
about your lottery, and persuade their supporters to buy tickets.

"How do we attract new causes?”

This is a question that is frequently asked. Generating interest in your lottery isn’t
difficult, it’s really about reaching out to causes with a compelling message.
Recruiting new causes is an ongoing process, it doesn’t stop once you’ve
launched your lottery. You need to be prepared to continue attracting new
causes, approve them as quickly as possible, and keep them on board. It’s
important that you establish and maintain a system for approving good causes
quickly and efficiently. This will keep them interested and unleash their ticket selling potential as soon possible.

We know that marketing budgets can be tight (or non-existent!). So we’ve put
together some suggested strategies below that needn’t cost the earth. With a
team approach and modest commitment of time, most can be implemented
without any outlay at all.

 - Identify a broad range of good causes
 - Be the solution to their problem
 - Use your staff team
 - Harness the power of social media
 - Use your website to showcase the lottery
 - Email your contacts and those of your partners
 - Get networking
 - Get the press on your side

We tend to think of good causes as charities, but the term encompasses a much
broader range of not-for-profit organisations than that. Here are some of the good
causes you could target:
 - Sports Clubs/Facilities
 - Schools/PTAs
 - Arts organisations e.g. Theatres, Museums
 - Village Halls and Community Centres
 - Social Enterprises
 - Tenants & Residents Groups

We know from experience that good causes all face the same problem - finding
of new sources of funding. So, your messaging should focus on being the solution
to that problem. You should create a flow of content about the difference that
your lottery to good cause fundraising. The more you can tell causes about the
benefits of your lottery, the better. This type of message is strongest when
combined with great photographs, videos and/or testimonials. The messages that
you create about the benefits of your lottery can be used within all the strategies
mentioned below.

Gatherwell will give you a Marketing Timeline and a set of marketing materials to
help you spread the word about your lottery. These include both digital and
printable assets such as leaflets, social media images, pop-up banners and more.
Make sure you utilise these across all your marketing activities.

You have ready-made ambassadors – your own staff, volunteers and leadership.
Empower them with the knowledge to talk about the lottery to their networks and
contacts. They can engage organisations by talking about the positive impact the
lottery will have upon the cause and its beneficiaries. They should also offer to
send follow-up information. Don’t forget, your staff and leadership may well be
involved with good causes themselves, so utilise internal communications to
encourage them to recruit their local school, sports club or village hall.

Your lottery is an online entity, so your marketing should focus on online channels
such as social media. Regularly use your own social media pages, as well as those
of your partners, to tell causes about the aims of your lottery, giving them a
compelling reason to sign up. Keep the content concise and upbeat, and use
great images of the impact your lottery makes. Most importantly, always include a
call to action, including a link to your lottery website. Encourage your followers to
share your content, so that it reaches a wider audience.

Your lottery website is new but your organisation’s own website is probably wellestablished, with plenty of traffic, so use this as a showcase for your lottery. Make
sure you feature your lottery on the website Home page, above the fold (the area
of the page that you can see without scrolling down). Create an eye-catching but
concise feature about the lottery that includes:
 - Your lottery logo
 - Prominent button that links to the lottery website
 - Reasons why causes should join the lottery
 - How free and easy the process is
You can also use other pages of your website, such as the News/Blog page to
provide more detailed information.

If you have a database of good causes, use this to send out information about
your lottery. These are organisations that are already familiar with your work, so
they are likely to be an easy audience to get on board. Use the marketing
materials provided by Gatherwell to create eye-catching and engaging content
that will get causes excited about your lottery. You can also ask your partner
organisations if they are willing to email their contacts with your leaflet or
information. Always include a call to action, containing a link where people can
click through to the lottery website and sign their cause up

Utilise relationships with strategic partners such as your local authority or Council for
Voluntary Service (Third Sector Interface in Scotland), as they have the power to
introduce your lottery to a wide range of good causes. Ask whether you can be
featured in their publications, social media or blogs. If they agree, make sure you
provide a press release containing those all-important details about how causes
can sign up. Take advantage of opportunities to speak to thematic networks; talk
about the aims of your lottery and the tangible impact that it will have on good
causes. Whether face-to-face or online, the more relevant events you have a
presence at the better. Your local authority may have the following departments
and networks that you could approach to help you spread the word:
 - Sports Development
 - Community Safety
 - Schools/Education Networks
 - Libraries
 - Parks and Open Spaces
 - Elected members

In a digital age the press and media have moved online. They represent an
important opportunity for spreading the word about your lottery, and they are
always looking for stories! If you don’t have one already, create a list of press and
media contacts to whom you can send press releases on a regular basis. If they
are interested and receptive, offer to be interviewed. This will give you a better
opportunity to tell a great story about your lottery. If you need ideas about how to
create press releases, we’ve provided a number of templates that you can
personalise and send out.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the things you can do to recruit causes
and grow your lottery. We’d love to hear about how you get on, and if you have
found any other successful strategies. Contact your Customer Account Manager
to give us your ideas and feedback.


5. Press Release Pack

This pack is designed to help you spread the word about your lottery in order to
attract coverage in the press, media or relevant publications. These need not be
the only press releases you create; you can use the content within them to create
other press releases to suit your needs.

Below, you have been supplied with 6 example press releases to be used at
various stages when setting up your lottery. They are:

 EXAMPLE PRESS RELEASE 1 - Lottery Announcement
 EXAMPLE PRESS RELEASE 2 – Pre Good Cause Launch Event
 EXAMPLE PRESS RELEASE 3 – Post Good Cause Launch Event
 EXAMPLE PRESS RELEASE 4 – Ticket Sales Live
 EXAMPLE PRESS RELEASE 5 – Follow Up First Draw
 EXAMPLE PRESS RELEASE - Celebrity Endorsement

1. Consult your Marketing Timeline to identify the best time to send out each press
2. Copy and paste the Example Press Release into a new document.
3. Edit [BOLD RED ELEMENTS] to reflect the correct details for your own
4. Add your lottery logo to the new document (if available).
5. Add your contact details to the new document, including your lottery website if
available and links to your social media pages.
6. Add the name of a person who can be available for interview on request.
7. Send the press release, along with good quality images (that you have
permission to use), to your press contacts.
8. Monitor press coverage in order to share it to your social media channels

If you don’t have one already, you should create and maintain a mailing list of
relevant press/media contacts. This could include:

 - Local/national press (as per the geographical coverage of your lottery)
 - Local/national radio
-  Community or sector magazines and publications
 - Admins of relevant Facebook pages
 - Relevant local/national websites or blogs


EXAMPLE PRESS RELEASE 1 - Lottery Announcement

Timing: As soon as lottery is confirmed to go ahead.
[INSERT ORGANISATION NAME] is delighted to announce the launch of [INSERT
LOTTERY NAME], an exciting new fundraising initiative for good causes. The lottery
will be a great way for people to support good causes whilst having fun, and
getting the chance to win cash prizes!
Leading lottery management company, Gatherwell, has been appointed by
[INSERT ORGANISATION NAME] run the scheme, having already launched similar
lotteries elsewhere.
When the lottery launches in [INSERT TIMESCALE], people will be able to purchase
tickets online, and support the good cause of their choice. Tickets will cost £X a
week. The draw will be weekly with a jackpot of £25,000, other prizes being £2,000,
£250 and £25.
Good causes will soon be invited register to raise funds with [INSERT LOTTERY
NAME], and keep XX% from every ticket they sell. A further XX% from every ticket
will go into a Central Fund that will be distributed to more good causes, with the
remainder being put towards prizes, operating costs and VAT.
Organisation leader, [INSERT NAME] said: “[INSERT QUOTE HERE]”.
Regular updates on the progress of [INSERT LOTTERY NAME] will be posted on the
[INSERT NAME] website and Facebook pages.
For more information, please contact [INSERT NAME] by emailing [INSERT NAME].

EXAMPLE PRESS RELEASE 2 – Pre Good Cause Launch

Timing: 4 weeks before Good Cause Launch Event.
Good Causes Invited To Launch Of [INSERT LOTTERY NAME]
Good causes of all shapes and sizes are being encouraged to attend the virtual
launch event of [INSERT LOTTERY NAME] for their chance to get a slice of the ticket
A generous XX% of the ticket proceeds from [INSERT LOTTERY NAME] will go to
charities, voluntary organisations and other not-for-profit groups. with the
remainder being put towards prizes, operating costs and VAT. If you are involved
with a good cause that would like to find out more about fundraising with [INSERT
LOTTERY NAME] you can register for the virtual Good Cause Launch Event here:
Organisation leader, [INSERT NAME] said: "The money raised by [INSERT LOTTERY
NAME] is going to make a lot of difference to grassroots good causes. We'd
encourage all charities and community groups to come to the Good Cause
Launch Event and start fundraising with our lottery. It’s easy and free!”
Following the event, tickets for [INSERT LOTTERY NAME] will go on sale via the
Leading lottery management company, Gatherwell, has been appointed by
[INSERT ORGANISATION NAME] operate the lottery, having successfully launched
similar lotteries throughout the UK.
Nigel Atkinson, Gatherwell's General Manager, said: "We are delighted that
Gatherwell has been awarded the opportunity to deliver [INSERT LOTTERY NAME].
We're looking forward to working with [INSERT ORGANISATION NAME] to raise funds
for many amazing good causes”.

EXAMPLE PRESS RELEASE 3 – Post Good Cause Launch

Timing: Immediately after Good Cause Launch Event
NOTE: Please try to get a quote from a good cause (see example below)
Good Causes Flock To Benefit From [INSERT LOTTERY NAME]
Over XX good causes have already signed up to benefit from the new [INSERT
LOTTERY NAME]. A virtual event was held on [INSERT DATE] to give good causes a
first look at how the lottery will work, as well as giving them a chance to sign up
and start fundraising with the lottery. The event was a great success, with XX
causes already signed up. Organisations ranging from sports clubs to school PTAs
have taken up the offer to give their fundraising a boost.
It’s not too late though, good causes still are being encouraged to sign up, there’s
no limit on the number of causes that can join. Each good cause will be given its
own page on the website to direct their supporters to. Causes will receive XXp
from every £1 ticket they sell, with a further XXp going into a Central Fund that will
also be distributed to good causes. Any not-for-profit organisation that is interested
can sign up here: [INSERT LOTTERY WEB ADDRESS].
[INSERT NAME + JOB TITLE] of [INSERT CAUSE NAME] said, “We signed up to
fundraise with the lottery because it will allow us to raise money online, all year
round without needing to print tickets or source prizes. We’re excited to give our
supporters a fun way to boost our fundraising, and maybe even win a cash prize.”
With so many good causes signed up, it will soon be time for the lottery to open to
ticket sales. Ticket sales for the lottery will launched at [INSERT LOTTERY WEB
ADDRESS] on [INSERT DATE]. Players will have the chance to win cash prizes of up to
£25,000, whilst supporting the good cause of their choice. It’s a win-win situation!


Timing: Immediately after ticket sales go live
[INSERT LOTTERY NAME] – The Hottest Ticket In Town
Hotly anticipated tickets for the new [INSERT LOTTERY NAME] are now on sale, with
the first weekly draw taking place on [INSERT DATE].
The local lottery has been set up by [INSERT ORGANISATION NAME] in a bid to raise
money for charities and good causes throughout [INSERT GEOGRAPHICAL AREA].
Tickets are available to buy online at [INSERT LOTTERY WEB ADDRESS] at a cost £1
each, and winners could scoop up to £25,000. Draws will take place every
Saturday at 8pm. The lucky winners will be informed by email and will have the
money transferred automatically into their bank account.
a way for good causes to raise essential funds. XX% of the money raised will go to
good causes. The rest will go towards the prize money, running costs, and VAT. It’s
a fantastic way for people to support a good cause of their choice, whilst also
getting the chance to win up to £25,000”
Amongst the good causes that will benefit from the lottery are [INSERT CAUSE
NAMES]. Other not-for-profit organisations such as sports clubs, community groups
and PTAs, are encouraged to sign up and start benefitting from the lottery here:
If you’ve got tickets for the first draw, good luck and a big thank you for taking

EXAMPLE PRESS RELEASE 5 - Follow-up on first draw

Timing: first available day after first draw
NOTE: Please use your Dashboard to find the necessary details to complete this
press release. You can also approach winners to request testimonials.

First Winners Of [INSERT LOTTERY NAME] Announced
Saturday saw the first draw of the new [INSERT LOTTERY NAME], a fundraising
initiative launched by [INSERT ORGANISATION NAME].
There were XX lucky winners in the first draw of [INSERT LOTTERY NAME], who won a
total of £XX. Whilst there hasn’t been a jackpot/cash winner yet, one player did
scoop the special prize, a [INSERT BOLT-ON PRIZE].
One lucky winner said: “[INSERT TESTIMONIAL]”.
Over XX players have now joined [INSERT LOTTERY NAME], and the lottery is on
track to raise over £XX for good causes in its first year. The funds raised will be used
to support causes including [INSERT CAUSE NAMES]. Good causes who are
interested in benefitting from the lottery can sign-up here: [INSERT LOTTERY WEB
[INSERT NAME OF LEADER, CHIEF EXEC] said, “Congratulations to the first winners of
[INSERT LOTTERY NAME]. The funds raised through the lottery will make a huge
difference to grassroots good causes. We’d like to thank everyone who has joined
the lottery so far, and we’d encourage anyone who wants to support a good
cause to take part, have fun and maybe even win £25,000!".
[INSERT LOTTERY NAME] draws will take place every Saturday night, and tickets cost
just £XX. For your chance to scoop up to £25,000 go to [INSERT WEB ADDRESS] and
join in the fun!

EXAMPLE PRESS RELEASE – Celebrity endorsement

Timing: After tickets go on sale
[INSERT LOTTERY NAME] has attracted some high profile backing in the form of
[INSERT CELEB NAME]. The star of XXX has lent their support to help the lottery get
off to a flying start. [INSERT LOTTERY NAME] has been established as a way for good
causes such as charities, sports clubs and PTAs to fundraise online.
Ticket sales for the lottery, which has been set up by [INSERT ORGANISATION NAME]
were launched on [INSERT DATE], meaning that people can now buy tickets and
get involved in supporting the good cause of their choice.
[INSERT CELEB NAME] said: “I’m really thrilled that [INSERT LOTTERY NAME] has taken
off and will make such a difference to XXX (e.g. local people); I would encourage
everyone to get their tickets now, and support the lottery. Maybe you’ll even win
[INSERT NAME OF LEADER, CHIEF EXEC] said, “We’re delighted to have the support
of [INSERT CELEB NAME] for our lottery. [INSERT LOTTERY NAME] has been launched
in order to help amazing good causes to raise essential funds. The initial response
to the lottery has been fantastic, and we’re delighted at the sheer number of
players getting on board. It couldn’t be easier to sign up, so I encourage anyone
who hasn’t done so yet to go online and get their tickets!”
Tickets can be purchased online at a cost of just £X each. A generous XX% of the
ticket proceeds will go towards good causes, with the rest going to prize money,
running costs, and VAT. Get your tickets online here: [INSERT WEB ADDRESS].
***Include royalty-free photograph of the celebrity***